Alcohol Detox

Alcohol Detox in London, Essex & the Southeast

At Step By Step Recovery, we are experts in treating alcohol addiction.

We offer a full medical detox for alcohol dependence and provide a bespoke rehabilitation programme for those that regularly binge drink, have a dependence on alcohol or suffer from alcohol addiction. Our detox is as safe and comfortable as we can make it for our clients, which allows them to stop drinking, minimize withdrawal symptoms and start the alcohol recovery process. We understand the effects of alcohol detox and withdrawal and know that some people simply need a helping hand to help them get on the right path.

Our residential alcohol detox is perfect for people in London, Essex and the wider area and we can offer sober transportation to help people travel to our clinic. Once here, our medical team will prescribe whatever medications required to make people feel better as safely and swiftly as possible. During the stay in our alcohol clinic, people make remarkable recoveries quickly. We offer 24/7 staffing, specialist detoxes, experienced therapists and doctors, and all within the comfort of our purpose-built facility. There is no better place to detox from alcohol.

Contact Us for Free Advice and Begin Your Addiction Recovery Now

What is an Alcohol Detox?

An alcohol detox is the process of clearing the body of alcohol. It’s usually the very first step in acute alcohol treatment, where medication is used to provide pharmacological support to cease drinking and remove all traces of alcohol from the system. The medications help alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms that occur when people who normally drink addictively cease alcohol. Step By Step Recovery offer a full medical alcohol detox and rehabilitation for those suffering from alcohol dependence and addiction. We also treat those that suffer from binge drinking, alcohol abuse/misuse, and those that have a co-occurring mental health disorder such as PTSD or depression.

Where there is an alcohol dependence, a medical alcohol detox is the safest proven way to withdraw from alcohol.

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0800 170 1222

Alcohol Detox Clinic London & Essex

In our alcohol detox clinic, The Lighthouse, your alcohol detoxification is achieved using approved prescribed medications that diminish the severity of the withdrawal symptoms and prevent some of the more dangerous withdrawal symptoms from developing.

Detoxing from alcohol is very high risk and many die because of unmanaged withdrawal symptoms. It is important that if you are dependent on alcohol, that you do not attempt to stop on your own. This can result in very dangerous symptoms developing that can put your life at risk.

Out of all the substance dependencies, alcohol is the most dangerous to withdraw from. It is vital that it is conducted with medical intervention and supervision.

In the safety of our Lighthouse clinic, you will be monitored and supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout your alcohol detox. We have the expertise, medical knowledge and professionals on board to ensure that your health and well-being always comes first.

All alcohol detoxes should immediately be followed by an alcohol rehabilitation programme. This helps to prevent relapse and provides the coping mechanisms and strategies required to live a free and sober life.

What are Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?

There are many symptoms of alcohol withdrawal that can manifest during an uncontrolled and unmedicated detox. Common symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Sweating
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Tremors
  • Hot and cold flushes
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Palpitations
  • Mood swings
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness

More serious and severe symptoms include:

  • Delirium tremens
  • Hallucinations (auditory or visual)
  • Alcoholic seizures
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Irregular heartbeat and chest pains
  • Suicidal ideations and thoughts of self-harm

Serious symptoms require immediate, emergency medical treatment, as they can be life threatening. If you or someone you are with is suffering severe withdrawal symptoms, such as seizure or delirium tremens, please call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

Private Alcohol Detox Clinics London & Essex

At our private drug and alcohol rehab centres in London and Essex, the first step in your treatment is detoxification. This process involves flushing out all toxins from your body, which can be a challenging and uncomfortable experience. However, you can take comfort in knowing that you will have the support of our highly trained medical team consisting of nurses, doctors, health assistants and psychiatrists. They are there to closely monitor your withdrawal symptoms and provide appropriate medical interventions if necessary.

One significant advantage of being in our detox clinic is that you won’t have to deal with addiction triggers that may exist outside the facility. This means that detoxification can be carried out without any unwanted temptations, making it easier for you to focus on your recovery. In addition to medical assistance, you will also receive medications specifically designed to treat painful withdrawal symptoms, which can help make the detox process more tolerable.

During your detox in our centre we offer psychological therapies. This usually includes group and individual counselling and keywork sessions, where you can work through underlying causes of your addiction and develop strategies to maintain sobriety in the long-term. We recommend a full rehab programme post-detox to ensure sobriety. Speak to our staff about alcohol rehab options.

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?

The duration of our London alcohol detox can vary from 5 days up to 14 days. How long a medical detox will take, will be dependent on how much you are drinking, your age, sex, general health, medical history and if there are any co-occurring illness presenting.

Everyone is different; so, where there has been a history of a complex alcohol detox, seizures, or the individual is in very poor health, we take things slowly to ensure that they can cope both mentally and physically and without putting them at risk.

What Alcohol Detox Medications Are Used?

There are various medications that are approved for alcohol detox that we use. The medication that is prescribed for you will depend on your past medical history and if you have had any previous complications relating to detox medications.

We will discuss the best medication for you before your admission, so you know what to expect. On admission you will be comprehensively assessed by our psychiatrist or doctor to ensure that every aspect of your treatment is comprehensively covered.

Generally, alcohol detox medications are tolerated very well, with few side effects, and work very effectively in reducing withdrawal symptoms.

Does Alcohol Detox Cause Pain?

If you detox from alcohol without medical intervention, then yes it will be extremely uncomfortable. But if conducted within the nurturing and compassionate environment of our Lighthouse rehab in Essex, with the assistance of medication, withdrawal symptoms including physical and mental discomfort will be minimized.

During detox you may feel sleepy, a little odd and forgetful; but most do not find this feeling unpleasant, and it passes within a few days.

Our aim is to make you as safe and as comfortable as possible during your detox, we do not want anyone suffering whilst they withdraw.

The feedback that we receive from our patients is that they enjoy their recuperation time with us and that our detox programme is very effective in preventing relapse.

How Do I Get an Alcohol Detox in London or Essex?

If you develop withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop drinking yourself, or if you consume less than usual, this is an indication that you are alcohol dependent and need a medical detox to clear your body of alcohol, safely.

If you need a drink, just to be able to function, this is another sign that you need an alcohol detox.

If you are at all unsure if you need a detox from alcohol, please speak with a member of our clinical team, who will assess you over the phone and advise if a medical detox is needed.

Do I Need an Alcohol Detox?

If you are reading this page, then you probably already have concerns that you or a loved one may be drinking too much.

You need help for alcohol if you are:

  • Regularly drinking above the recommended safety guidelines
  • You are alcohol dependent and drink every day.
  • You have experienced withdrawal symptoms.
  • You binge drink.
  • Your drinking is affecting other areas of your life, such as health, finances, relationships or work.
  • You are unable to reduce or moderate your alcohol intake on your own.

If any of these statements ring true for you or a loved one, please call us to discuss how we can help.

Please complete our online assessment form or call our understanding team on 0800 170 1222 to learn more about our bespoke addiction treatment programmes.

Binge Drinking, Alcohol Dependence and Alcoholism in London

Alcohol is seen as the social lubricant of society, and in moderation, as with most things, it’s mostly not harmful. However, with the pressures and stresses of today’s life, as a society we are drinking more than ever before, and not just on a social level. More people have started drinking greater amounts today – due to lockdown – than ever before.

In London, alcohol-related harm accounts for around 35% of all accident and emergency attendances and this figure jumps to 70% at certain times of the weekend.

According to the Department of Health around 300,000 people in London are dependent on alcohol, or alcoholics, with around 2.4 million people drinking at dangerous levels.

Of all the mind-altering substances available, alcohol is the London’s biggest killer. And you can see why from the stats above. Alcohol poisoning, through regular and binge drinking is, tragically, commonplace.

Although there is now more awareness around alcohols dangers, it is still placing a great financial strain on London’s NHS resources, the government and households.

Binge Drinking in London

Binge drinking and regular moderate drinking can escalate into heavy regular drinking, dependence and addiction.

Many think that just because they don’t drink daily, or first thing in the morning that they do not have a serious alcohol problem. Binge drinking is very high-risk drinking; it can lead to dependence, poor health and death from alcohol poisoning or an accident whilst intoxicated. It also puts a huge strain on your internal organs, as you are likely to drink large quantities of alcohol over a relatively short period of time.

Binge drinking is just as dangerous as alcohol dependence and addiction. You may or may not need a full medical alcohol detox, but you will certainly need profession alcohol treatment to help break the cycle.

In London, alcohol-related harm accounts for around 35% of all accident and emergency attendances and this figure jumps to 70% at certain times of the weekend.

According to the Department of Health around 300,000 people in London are dependent on alcohol, or alcoholics, with around 2.4 million people drinking at dangerous levels.

Of all the mind-altering substances available, alcohol is the London’s biggest killer. And you can see why from the stats above. Alcohol poisoning, through regular and binge drinking is, tragically, commonplace.

Although there is now more awareness around alcohols dangers, it is still placing a great financial strain on London’s NHS resources, the government and households.

Alcohol Dependence in London

Alcohol dependence results from frequent exposure to alcohol. When drinking becomes daily, the brain chemically adjusts to tolerate the alcohol, so that the individual can still function. Once this has happened, any reduction in alcohol consumption will result in alcohol withdrawal symptoms developing.

Someone with a dependence who has become tolerant to a certain amount of alcohol, will increase their consumption to gain the desired effects; again, the brain adjusts to normalise this and function. This then becomes a downward spiral of the addicted individual drinking more and more to gain any desired effects from alcohol and to avoid the onset of withdrawal symptoms.

Alcoholism in London

Alcoholism is a deadly and progressive disease of the brain that usually requires more than just an alcohol detox to treat successfully and prevent a recurrence. During our detox, clients also received psychological and complementary therapies to help them stay sober. Full rehabilitation is also often required to rewire the chemical changes in the brain’s neural pathways, change thoughts, and self-perceptions and adopt the tools necessary for long-term sobriety.

Alcoholism develops over a period and with repeated exposure to alcohol and alcohol misuse. The brain and body adjust to alcohol and stopping becomes almost impossible. The amount of alcohol consumed usually can’t be controlled and people don’t function normally at all. Alcoholism is also a progressive disease, and without the correct treatment, will over time only ever get steadily worse. Fortunately, it can be treated like any other illness and people can and do make full recoveries to live the life they always wanted to and should have.

Detoxing from alcohol doesn’t have to be uncomfortable or frightening. If you or a loved one have a problem with alcohol and need help, please call us today for a free assessment of your treatment needs and immediate assistance. We can often take clients same day and begin treatment immediately.

Someone with a dependence who has become tolerant to a certain amount of alcohol, will increase their consumption to gain the desired effects; again, the brain adjusts to normalise this and function. This then becomes a downward spiral of the addicted individual drinking more and more to gain any desired effects from alcohol and to avoid the onset of withdrawal symptoms.

Am I At Risk of Developing Alcohol Dependence and Addiction?

Alcohol addiction doesn’t just develop overnight; however, some are more predisposed to developing it. There are certain social, physical, psychological, genetic factors that place some people in a high-risk group of developing an addiction:

  • You have suffered mental health problems.
  • You have suffered trauma.
  • You have a history of addiction in the family.
  • You were raised in an alcoholic environment or are involved in a drinking culture.

If you feel the need to drink to be able to function, you probably have an alcohol dependence. That being the case, seeking help is of the utmost importance and a detox will be necessary.

Am I An Alcoholic?

Alcoholism develops over a period and with repeated exposure to alcohol and alcohol misuse. As a result, substantial chemical changes take place in the brain and overtime the brain becomes hardwired to seek alcohol.

Alcoholism is also a progressive disease, and without the correct treatment, will over time only ever get steadily worse, never better.

Alcohol is a depressant, but consuming it floods the brain with feel good chemicals and relaxes the drinker. Someone who is predisposed to developing alcoholism will drink to excess and have little or no control over their drinking. This is because the brain essentially hijacks the thinking and subsequent actions, rendering them powerless when it comes to alcohol. Put simply, they have no defense against taking the first drink, despite having every good reason not to drink.

To someone who does not suffer from alcoholism, it is easy to make a judgement around something that is not fully understood. There is no set formulation that makes someone an alcoholic, but there is a distinct difference between and alcoholic and someone who drinks heavily or a little too often.

A heavy drinker will be able to stop or moderate their drinking given a sufficient reason, such as ill health or trouble in their relationships; whereas someone who is alcoholic will not be able to stop, even with the greatest desire to do so.

The stark reality is that alcoholics suffer from a deadly mental health illness; it will take them to the depths of despair, where they can lose everything dear to them and hurt those that love and care for them most.

Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

An alcoholic or alcohol addict is someone who suffers from an incurable but treatable brain disease, that manifests in an obsession with alcohol and a compulsion to drink.

There are some definite symptoms and warning signs of alcohol addiction, they include:

  • Being unable to control or moderate your drinking once you start.
  • Obsessively thinking about alcohol when you are not drinking.
  • Drinking to oblivion, blackout, or until you pass out.
  • Genuinely intending to limit your drinking, but failing once you start.
  • Swearing to never drink again but finding yourself compelled to do so.
  • Feelings of shame, guilt, embarrassment and remorse after a drinking bout
  • Unable to imagine a life without alcohol in it.
  • Feeling trapped by alcohol
  • Drinking out of necessity rather than enjoyment
  • Lying and hiding to cover up the amount you drink.
  • Becoming increasingly unreliable
  • Missing appointments, engagements and commitments due to being intoxicated or hungover.
  • Secretly drinking on your own
  • Unable to recall events that happened whilst intoxicated.
  • Placing yourself or others in dangerous situations whilst intoxicated
  • Breaking your own moral code of conduct whilst intoxicated, that is, drink driving, being promiscuous, committing crime or acts of violence.
  • Others have expressed concern over your drinking.
  • Going missing during drinking bouts
  • Isolating from life and loved ones because of your drinking

Alcohol addiction is a life-threatening disease and should not be taken lightly. If you suffer from alcoholism, then you need immediate alcohol addiction treatment to help you to get well and recover.

Please call us for more information on our residential detox and rehabilitation programmes for alcohol addiction.

Can I Ever Drink Alcohol Again?

The short answer to this is no.

Alcoholism is an incurable disease. Once developed, if the brain is ever exposed to alcohol again, much like muscle memory, it will return and continue to progress.

Often, the trouble with alcohol addiction, is that after a successful detox and a period of abstinence, the recovering alcoholic often thinks that they can drink normally and that this time they will be in control. Our vast experience is that this is never the case.

Addiction is defined by Public Health England and the National Institutes of Health as a “chronic relapsing brain disease”; this means that the individual will always be at a high risk of relapse.

Alcohol addiction has many dangers and can cause permanent and irreversible damage to the brain and the body. In the worse cases it can cause Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, more commonly known as “wet brain”; it can also death through poisoning, withdrawal and organ failure.

Moderate and within safe limitations drinking can have some small positive benefits, but when alcohol is abused and you are drinking too much, the dangers are very apparent.

Our bespoke alcohol rehabilitation programmes are designed to tackle the root causes of the addiction and implement healthy coping strategies and ways of managing emotions, life and recovery.

No one need relapse on alcohol; providing they apply the tools of recovery – daily – they have learned; that it is possible to live a happy and productive life, free from alcohol.

Are There Any Risks with Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detox is very high risk if not conducted correctly or without medical intervention and support. Detoxing alone and trying to go “cold turkey” is extremely dangerous, as it can result in seizures, delirium tremens, hallucinations, heart arrhythmia and psychosis. All these conditions need to be carefully medically managed within a hospital, should they develop.

By admitting to our Lighthouse detox clinic, you will be eliminating the high-risk withdrawal symptoms. We will manage your detox for you with a full medical detox and monitor you continually throughout the process. The temptation to drink will also be removed, as cravings are reduced by the medication, and you will be in a supportive alcohol-free environment.

We also have a doctor on call 24/7 and clinical staff that are highly skilled and trained in treating those who are detoxing from alcohol or any other type of substance.

When it comes to detoxing from alcohol it is not worth taking any risks with your health or your life; please contact us today if you would like to discuss a possible admission for an alcohol detox or rehabilitation programme.

We are 100 per cent committed to your health and recovery and will take every measure possible to ensure that you remain safe during your detox with us.

What Happens After Alcohol Detox in London?

Once detox has been completed, it is strongly recommended that you undertake a comprehensive bespoke alcohol rehabilitation programme. We offer one at the Lighthouse. Without this, all you will have achieved is a detox off alcohol from your body. With the same mind set and coping mechanisms, you are highly likely to relapse. In effect, your reasons for drinking are still there.

Step By Step Recovery encourage all our clients who undergo detox to take full advantage of a personalised treatment programme, incorporating proven and highly effective methods of treating alcoholism, abuse and addiction.

We have both long-term and short-term addiction recovery programmes available in our fully residential rehab centre. Furthermore, we offer lifetime aftercare to anyone who completes their treatment with us and also offer supported living accommodation to those who need it.

If you are undertaking a detox with us and are not able to commit to a full rehabilitation programme, we will still ensure that you have all the referral points that you need, so that can continue to access recovery support in the community.

We are very passionate about helping addicts and alcoholics to fully recover and this is reflected in the work we do. In fact, many of our qualified staff once had their own difficulties with addiction. Having successfully overcome those difficulties, they now set a living example of what can be achieved when you apply yourself and commit to long term recovery.

Family Support in London

Often, the family of those we treat are seriously affected by their loved one’s alcohol problem. We feel that for our client to make a full and rounded recovery, that the family need help to recover too. We therefore provide unlimited telephone support to the families of our patients and offer family therapy online. We also allow once weekly visits, and can arrange family interventions at our centre, where we feel it is necessary.

Family interventions are arranged with your loved one and a counsellor present. The counsellor will ensure that the session is productive and moves in the right direction. The aim of these interventions is to start building bridges and to give each person attending a deeper understanding of how the other feels. From there, it can be established what would be helpful to each other in moving forward and in supporting one another once rehab treatment has finished.

As well as providing personal support to families of our clients, we also advise them on how they can access help and support independently. It is beneficial for all who have been affected, to take time for their own personal recovery.

Why Choose Step By Step in London For Alcohol Detox?

Supervised Alcohol Detox: Our medical alcohol detox in the Lighthouse provides a controlled and supervised environment, ensuring the safety and well-being of our clients throughout the detoxification process.

Expert Medical Care: Our highly trained and qualified medical and addictions team, including psychiatrists, doctors, counsellors and addiction staff, are available to monitor and manage the physical and psychological symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, minimising the risk of any complications.

Customised Detox Plans: We tailor our detoxification programs to the client specific needs, considering factors such as the severity of alcohol dependence, overall health, and any co-occurring medical conditions.

Psychological Help and Support: In addition to physical care, we offer psychological support throughout the detox, with therapy to address the emotional and mental aspects of alcohol dependence and prevent relapse.

24/7 Monitoring: Continuous monitoring provides peace of mind and body to our clients. We are here night and day to help our clients detox as safely and comfortably as possible.

Residential Structure: Our structured inpatient environment helps clients focus solely on their recovery without the distractions or triggers that may be present at home, work or out with the rehab centre.

Education and Psychoeducation: We provide educational resources and teach coping strategies to help people understand their addiction better and develop skills to maintain sobriety post-detox.

Nutritional Help: Good nutrition is incorporated into detox programs to address any nutritional deficiencies caused by alcohol misuse and promote overall physical health.

Ready for Recovery: Medical alcohol detox in the clinic serves as a bridge to further treatment and recovery, such as residential rehabilitation programs, outpatient counselling and support groups, increasing the likelihood of sustained recovery.

Holistic Help: We use holistic approaches in addition to medical detox, addressing physical, mental and emotional well-being. This include complementary therapies, relaxation, mindfulness, nutritional support, and lifestyle adjustments to promote overall health and recovery.

Peer Support: Clients in detox can connect with others who are facing similar challenges. This peer support can create a sense of camaraderie and understanding, reducing feelings of isolation during the recovery process and understand they are not alone.

Here to Help – Alcohol Detox Treatment in London & Essex

Step By Step Recovery in London and Essex is here to help you recover from alcohol addiction and to support your family too. No one is beyond recovery if they want it. If alcohol is ruining your life and you want help to stop, contact us today.

Please complete our online assessment form or call our understanding team on 0800 170 1222 to learn more about our bespoke addiction treatment programmes.

Why choose Step by Step?

Treatment for addiction

Where to find us

Our locations in London, by appointment only. 


Inpatient rehab, also known as residential treatment, involves residing within a specialised treatment centre for the duration of the program. This type of private rehab provides round-the-clock care and support, with a focus on intensive therapy and a structured daily schedule. It also minimises the risk of relapse since residents at an inpatient facility will not have access to alcohol or drugs. A private rehab clinic is recommended for individuals with severe addiction or those who require a higher level of medical and emotional support.

Outpatient rehab, on the other hand, allows individuals to receive treatment while still living at home and maintaining their daily responsibilities. Outpatient programs typically involve scheduled therapy sessions and support groups that the individual attends on designated days and times. Unlike inpatient programmes, this type of drug or alcohol rehab is suitable for individuals with a less severe addiction or those who have completed inpatient treatment and are transitioning back into their daily lives.

Detoxification, commonly referred to as detox, is the first step in the process of recovering from substance abuse. It involves allowing the body to rid itself of drugs or alcohol while managing withdrawal symptoms that may arise. The duration of a detox procedure can vary depending on various factors, including the substance abused, the individual’s overall health, and the severity of addiction.

The length of a detox can range from a few days to a couple of weeks. In general, detox programs for alcohol addiction tend to last around 5-7 days, while detox programs for highly addictive prescription or illegal drugs such as opioids or benzodiazepines may take longer.
It’s important to note that detox is just the initial phase of the recovery process and is not sufficient on its own to achieve long-term sobriety. Following detox, individuals are strongly encouraged to continue their treatment in a rehabilitation centre that offers a comprehensive addiction rehab program that includes therapy, counselling, and other supportive services.

If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction, it can be a difficult and delicate situation to approach. Suggesting addiction rehab to them requires empathy, understanding, and patience. Here are some steps to consider when suggesting rehab to your loved one:

Educate yourself: Before approaching your loved one, make sure you have a good understanding of addiction and the treatment options available in London. Research different rehab facilities and programs to be able to provide accurate information and answer any questions they may have.

Choose the right time and place: Find a calm and private setting where you can have an open and honest conversation without distractions or interruptions. Choose a time when your loved one is sober and receptive to discussing their addiction.

Express concern and empathy: Approach the conversation with care and empathy, expressing your concern for their well-being. Let them know that you are there to support them and that rehab can offer them a path towards recovery and a healthier life.

Highlight the benefits of rehab: Explain the potential benefits of addiction rehab, such as professional guidance, a supportive community, and the opportunity to learn coping mechanisms and skills to overcome addiction. Emphasise that rehab can provide them with the tools and resources they need to overcome their addiction and lead a fulfilling and happy life.

Offer assistance: Let your loved one know that you are willing to help them find a suitable rehab facility in London and support them throughout the process. Offer to accompany them to appointments or assist with any logistical arrangements.

Listen and be patient: Allow your loved one to share their thoughts and feelings about rehab. Listen actively and without judgement, allowing them to express their concerns or reservations. Be patient with them as they may not be ready to accept help right away.
Provide resources: After the conversation, provide your loved one with information on rehab facilities in London and any other relevant resources that can assist them in making an informed decision.

Holistic therapies for addiction treatment approach the recovery process from a comprehensive and integrated perspective, considering not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional, spiritual and the individual’s mental health condition. These therapies recognize that addiction is a complex issue that affects various dimensions of one’s well-being and seek to address each of them to achieve long-term recovery.

One common holistic therapy used in addiction treatment is acupuncture. This ancient practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to restore balance and promote healing. Acupuncture has been found to help reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and promote relaxation.

Another holistic therapy is yoga, which combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote mindfulness and relieve stress. Yoga has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression, and enhance overall well-being.

Meditation and mindfulness practices are also commonly used in addiction treatment. These practices involve training the mind to focus on the present moment and observe thoughts and emotions without judgement. They can help individuals develop self-awareness, manage stress, and prevent relapse.

Other holistic therapies for addiction treatment include art therapy, equine therapy, music therapy, massage therapy, nutritional counselling, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. These therapies aim to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual’s recovery journey and provide additional tools for coping with cravings, triggers, and emotional challenges.