Common Signs of Porn Addiction and the Main Treatments

Signs of porn addiction

Updated May 2022

In a society where porn is still considered a taboo topic, it is normal if you have put off seeking treatment for porn addiction. Before considering how your addiction can be treated using a range of therapies, it is first important to understand what porn addiction is, especially if you are asking yourself, ”am I addicted to porn?”.

What Is Porn Addiction?

Porn addiction is a type of behavioural addiction, also referred to as impulse control disorder and often considered a subcategory of sex addiction. Becoming addicted to porn can make you feel embarrassed and ashamed. However, like many behavioural addictions, porn addiction affects brain chemistry. When the brain learns what behaviour will stimulate dopamine production, it will create an impulse to repeat that behaviour. 

While porn itself isn’t usually considered harmful, if you’re concerned about your porn use and find it’s beginning to interfere with day-to-day life, you have likely developed a porn addiction. 

10 Common Signs of Porn Addiction

Porn addiction does not have physical withdrawal symptoms. However, several signs indicate your porn use could have progressed to addiction.

1. Inability to stop 

Addiction is characterised by the inability to stop engaging in compulsive behaviours, despite the consequences that could arise. If you find that you or your partner cannot stop watching porn, it may be time to think about treatment.

2. Never feeling satisfied

Someone suffering from addiction, whether it’s drugs, alcohol, gambling, or sex, will never feel satisfied. Repetitive behaviours and habits eventually lead to the rewiring of the brain’s neuropathways. These changes cause the brain to crave porn in reaction to certain triggers. This is why you feel such a strong impulse to watch porn. If you suspect your partner has an addiction to porn, you may notice them sneaking away to another room or becoming defensive when you question them about their pornography use.

3. Loss of productivity 

Porn addiction can seriously impact your ability to fulfil other responsibilities. If you’re suffering from an addiction to porn, you may notice how easy it is to lose track of time and your inability to accomplish much during the day. This can become a vicious cycle, leading to feelings of lethargy and complete disinterest in regular activities. 

4. Lack of interest in sex 

One of the biggest issues associated with watching porn is the unrealistic expectations it presents when it comes to sex and even the physical appearance of men and women. This can make you desire to try more extreme forms of sexual activity, leading you to engage in risky sex with other people, putting yourself and your partner at risk. You may also push your partner away and destroy your ability to have a fulfilling sex life with them.

5. Physical discomfort 

There are aspects to a porn addiction that can negatively impact your physical health, as well as your mental wellbeing. Often watching porn can mean other things like eating are forgotten and you may also be prone to suffering strains in your wrists, back, and neck, as well as frequent headaches. 

6. Experiencing feelings of guilt and shame

Feelings of guilt and shame are extremely common occurrences for someone struggling with porn addiction. You may feel as though you are neglecting your partner as well as your priorities and feel ashamed of your need to seek out pornography. 

7. Constantly distracted 

An inability to focus is another very common porn addiction sign. You may find yourself completely preoccupied with thoughts of watching porn and feel disconnected from your environment. This can lead to you making decisions that are irrational and dangerous.

8. Mood swings 

Addiction to porn can cause depression and anxiety, reduced self-confidence and feelings of isolation. You might find you suffer from mood swings if you are unable to access porn for any length of time. If your partner is addicted to porn, your partner’s mood may be very unpredictable and they may start to have sleep problems.

9. Relationship problems

Porn addiction can break trust and destroy intimacy and a deeper connection between two people. You will likely find yourself prioritising watching porn over spending time with your partner. Furthermore, you may find it hard to enjoy spending time with them because all you can think about is how long it will be until you can watch porn. This can put a huge strain on your relationship.

10. Financial difficulty

Financial issues are rarely associated with porn addiction. However, many who suffer from this issue have admitted to spending large amounts of money on what they consider to be higher-quality content. Like any addiction, it doesn’t take long before people find themselves experiencing financial difficulty.

What Is Treatment for Porn Addiction?

Porn addiction is becoming increasingly prevalent in modern society due to the availability of the internet and other forms of technology, allowing this type of material to be accessed and downloaded anywhere and at any time. Early intervention is the best thing you can do if you feel like you are not in control of your compulsion to consume porn. 

While behavioural addictions are incorrectly assumed to be less harmful, the urges associated with them can be extremely detrimental. Finding the correct form of porn addict therapy can help you overcome your addiction to porn and live your life to the full.

Porn Addict Therapy

Admitting “I’m addicted to porn” isn’t easy, but it is your first step to breaking free and living your life without the misery of addiction. Porn addict therapy provides a safe environment to discover any underlying causes or triggers of your addiction to ensure a long term recovery. 

Types of therapy to treat porn addiction may include:

  • One-on-one counselling to discuss and explore your feelings in a non-judgmental, supportive environment.
  • Group therapy is run by an addiction therapist to allow you to connect with people who are being treated for porn addiction. This can help you open up and learn how to communicate with others without worrying about what they think of you.
  • Couples therapy takes place with your partner and an addiction therapist to enable open, honest communication. This helps build trust and recover feelings of intimacy and sexual activity with your partner. 
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a well-established type of behavioural therapy that helps to change thought patterns. As you learn to recognise and challenge your dysfunctional thoughts, this helps to change your response to triggers and your associated behaviour.
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is based on CBT but gives you strategies to manage emotional instability which may be caused by porn addiction.

Treatment for porn addiction can be delivered on an inpatient, day patient or through outpatient appointments and group therapy. As with any addiction, porn addiction will gradually take over your life, potentially destroying your ability to function day-to-day if it is not treated,

We offer free advice on supporting and treating addiction. Step by Step Recovery rehabilitation centre exists to help individuals beat porn addiction permanently, providing support to the people we treat and their friends and family. Please complete our online assessment form or call our understanding team on 0800 170 1222 for free, confidential advice to help you or a loved one.

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Page revised in March 2023, by Danielle Byatt, a Level 4 addictions counselling, Level 5 in Leadership & Management, BA applied social work. and Treatment Director at Step by Step Recovery.

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