If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction to drugs and need help, then a full drug detox in London or Essex drug detox clinic is the ideal path to a clean, healthy life.
At our Lighthouse Drug Detox Clinic in Essex and our Harley Street drug clinic in London, we specialise in detox for all drugs and offer drug rehabilitation.
Our residential drug detox clinic situated near London, by the beach in Essex, provides the perfect residential luxury surroundings and healing environment in which you can safely detox from drugs. All the while you will be under the watchful eye of our expert medical and therapeutic clinical team.
We fully understand how drug addiction can affect an individual and consequently their family too. We know that it is not a choice, and that with the correct treatment, drug addiction can be halted through detox and abstinence maintained from there.
Recovery, where there is a dependence, always starts with detoxification. Detox is far from easy to achieve in the community; but within our Lighthouse detox clinic, we can make sure that you are as comfortable as possible and ensure your safety each and every step of the way.

What Is A Drug Detox?
A drug detox is a process or treatment where the body is cleared of all traces of the drug that that it is dependent on. In cases of drug dependence, this should only be conducted within a safe environment and with medical intervention.
The objective of the drug detox is to manage and alleviate withdrawal symptoms while the body adjusts to the absence of the drug.
The process varies depending on the drug of choice, the duration of use and the person’s health.
Withdrawal symptoms during drug detox range from mild to severe and may include nausea, sweating, anxiety, insomnia, muscle aches and other unpleasant effects. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous or even life-threatening, particularly with certain situations where alcohol or benzodiazepines are involved. Medical supervision during detox is crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual.
Attempting to detox oneself can go horribly wrong and result in unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Inpatient medical detox is clinically proven to be the safest method of withdrawing from drug dependence.
Our Lighthouse rehab clinic, located near the beach in Southend-on-sea, Essex, manages the detox for you, so you are not trying to self-detox. We prescribe approved medications to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and reduce drug cravings. At the same time, we provide support and care around the clock to help you through any difficulties you encounter.
Call us now for help
Drugs We Detox At Our Clinic
We offer a full residential medical detox for all illicit, prescribed and legal drugs, including:
- Alcohol
- Heroin
- Benzodiazepines
- Prescription drugs
- Opiate painkillers
- Cannabis
- Cocaine
- Crack Cocaine
- Methamphetamine
- Amphetamines
- Barbiturates
- Fentanyl
- Party drugs
- Legal highs
- GHB and GBL
- Retinol and Adderall
- Pregabalin and
- Gabapentin
- Over-the-counter medications
- Skunk
Whatever drug you are struggling with, we can help. There’s no need to over-worry or fear drug detox, as we will make sure that you are comfortable and safe as possible and be on hand to assist you at any time of the day or night.
Call us now to find out exactly how we can help you or a loved one to overcome a drug problem.
Do I Need A Medical Drug Detox?
If you have a dependence to a drug, of any kind, then a medical detox is the safest way to come off the drug. It is also the most successful way, as temptation is removed and drug cravings are reduced dramatically with the assistance of detox medication.
You may be wondering if you have a dependence; displaying any of the following signs and symptoms of drug dependence, strongly indicates that you would benefit from a full medical inpatient drug detox:
- You take drugs every day
- You are unable to function normally without drugs
- If you miss a regular dose you develop withdrawal symptoms
- If you run low on drugs you start to feel extremely anxious and panicky
- You hide the amount of drugs you take from others
- You wish you could stop, but can’t
- You have tried to self detox before but have failed due to temptation or withdrawal symptoms becoming too much to bare
- You will do almost anything to get drugs including lying, cheating, manipulating, stealing and committing crime
Drug Misuse/Abuse
Many forms of drug abuse. Basically, if you are taking a drug that is not required for genuine medical purposes, or are not following a prescription and adhering to safety guidelines, then you are abusing a drug.
All drugs have the potential to be abused, it is not the drug that is the problem but the individual who is abusing it that requires treatment. Drug abuse leads to drug dependence and addiction. Abusing a drug is an early warning sign of an addiction developing.
Abusing drugs usually comes with negative consequences, either to the users physical or mental health and can also affect other areas of their life, socially, emotionally and financially.
Drug Tolerance
Drug tolerance leads to drug dependence. Tolerance develops through repeated exposure to a certain drug. Once you have become tolerant to a specific amount of a drug, the drug loses its beneficial effects.
To gain the initial and sought aftereffects of the drug, either medically or euphorically, you will need to increase it. Taking the same amount or taking any less will result in withdrawal symptoms developing.
Drug Dependence
Drug dependency is where you must take a certain amount of a drug in order to be able to function normally and stave off withdrawal symptoms. If you miss a dose or take any less than you usually do, you will develop withdrawal symptoms.
Drug dependence can happen with any drug, either psychologically, physically or both. Certain drugs create physical dependence due to chemical changes in the brain taking place, as a result of repeated. These changes are adaptations to the drug, so that the body can function normally. The brain, in addition, becomes dependent on the effects of the drug.
Drug dependence can also manifest from a genuine need for a prescription drug. Some individuals who do not suffer from a mental compulsion to abuse drugs, will still require a medical detox to help them withdraw safely from a drug they have developed physical dependence to. This typically happens with long-term pain management medications, such as opiate painkillers.
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is where there is a psychological dependence is present, with or without a physical dependence. An individual who is drug addicted, will behave very differently from someone who had developed a dependency due to following a medical prescription.
Drug addiction results from repeated drug abuse. An individual who suffers from addiction, will take drugs just for their euphoric effects and not for any medicinal benefits. They will constantly and obsessively seek out the drug that provides them with the greatest feelings of euphoria.
Drug addiction is a deadly and progressive disease; so, when an individual becomes tolerant, they will take more and more in order to gain the euphoric effects once again. Their behaviours will be risk taking and very different from their normal character before they started taking drugs. They will go to extreme lengths to get more drugs, with little or no thought to the consequences that may result.
Drug addiction is a mental compulsion to take drugs, even when the individual wants to stop. They have lost the power of choice in their drug taking and it can develop from tolerance, dependence and abuse.
Drug Withdrawal Symptoms
Drug withdrawal symptoms vary depending on the drug you are detoxing from, the amounts involved and the length of the dependence.
Withdrawal symptoms are psychological and physical side effects that you experience because of withdrawing from a drug, that you are dependent on, or addicted to.
Common drug withdrawal symptoms often include:
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
- Aches and Pains
- Emotional instability
- Intense drug cravings
- Change in appetite
- Concentration problems
- Sweating
- Tremors
- Upset stomach
- Depression
- Panic attacks
Depending on the drug, some more severe and life-threatening symptoms can also present themselves; alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates and certain prescription medications are notoriously difficult and dangerous to come off of.
If you do have a drug dependence of any kind, it is important that you do not just stop suddenly, this can result in life threatening withdrawal symptoms.
It is important that you have a full medical assessment with a qualified doctor, experienced in detoxes, prior to commencing withdrawal.
What To Expect At Our Drug Detox Clinic
Step By Step Recovery recognise that no two people are the same. Even if they are addicted to the same drug, they will have varying treatment needs, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
On admission to our drug treatment clinic in London or Essex, you will be fully assessed by our doctor or psychiatrist, who will comprehensively examine every aspect of you, medically and mentally. If a drug dependence is established, then the doctor will then prescribe an appropriate medical detox regime that will be administered with your consent.
You will start off initially on a high dose of detox medication and over the days ahead, be weaned off it at a comfortable pace. Whilst you are detoxing you will receive ongoing support from our counsellors and therapists, as well as regular reviews with our doctor and psychiatrist.
The aim of our inpatient/residential drug detox is to:
- Ensure you withdraw from a drug dependence safely
- Reduce withdrawal symptoms
- Reduce drug cravings
- Ensure to complete your detox and leave our rehab drug-free
If at any point you are struggling with your detox, your detox regime will promptly be reviewed by our doctor, and adjusted where necessary.
By making your detox from drugs as comfortable and safe as possible, we are giving you the best chance to stop your drug addiction or dependence and start to live a drug free life.
Will I Be Cured After A Drug Detox?
Drug detox is not a cure for drug addiction but a steppingstone to recovery. Recovery must start with abstinence so that therapeutic measures, treatments and interventions can be of maximum benefit.
In addition, the drug is just a symptom of the disease that manifests in the individuals mind, their thought processes, emotions, compulsions and subsequent maladaptive and destructive behaviours. Detox only clears the body of drugs but does not change anything in terms of the disease of addiction and the individuals associated thoughts and behaviours.
How To Recover From Drug Addiction in London & Essex
To make a recovery, from any kind of addiction, whether its alcohol, drugs, food or a behaviour, people need to undergo a profound change in their thinking, outlook, perception and coping mechanisms. It’s wise to get further treatment after a drug detox. At Step By Step Recovery, we offer this through a personalised drug rehabilitation programme, consisting of proven and highly effective addiction treatments. All of our treatments and therapies are delivered by qualified and experienced addiction professionals.
Without rehabilitation, anyone who undergoes a detox is at extremely high risk of relapse. Relapse is often worse than ever before, as addiction is a progressive disease that only ever gets worse over time and exposure. Our detox clients are also offered relapsed prevention advice and guidance, where they’ll be pointed towards other forms of therapy including support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous and SMART recovery, psychological therapy counselling, mindfulness and stress management. There are plenty of services and organisations in London and Essex that offer this.
Classed as a mental health illness, addiction is defined as a “chronic relapsing brain disease” by public health England and the National Institutes of Health. Many die from addiction each and every day; it is important that if you do suffer from addiction that you access the correct addiction treatment promptly.
What Happens After Medical Drug Detox in the Clinic?
What happens after detox is your choice entirely; although we strongly advise on rehabilitation of some form to prevent relapse and advocate change, we cannot force anyone to do so.
If you choose to undergo rehab with us after your detox, you will gain many benefits from the specialised treatments that we deliver. We treat everyone as a whole person, physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
We find, our person-centred approach to treatment works best. We incorporate many different treatments to treat every aspect of addiction and any co-occurring illnesses that are present.
Our residential drug rehabilitation programmes can run from weeks to months, dependent on what your individual treatment needs are. We also provide supported housing accommodation for those that need longer to adjust to life abstinent, or whom do not have a suitable and safe home environment to return to.
We focus on long term recovery and quality of recovery, and therefore will do all we can to support our clients and meet whatever their treatment needs are.
Is There Aftercare For Drug Detoxes in London or Essex?
We do provide free lifetime aftercare to anyone that completes a minimum of 4 weeks treatment with us. If you are unable to commit to 4 weeks residential care, to include your drug detox, we will ensure that you are aware of all of your local free services to access when you return back home.
Aftercare is a very important part of ongoing and continued recovery. Aftercare will not only support you when you need it most, in the early and vulnerable days of recovery, but will also help you to grow and gain new skills that may well help you and others in future.
Aftercare is facilitated once a week at our Lighthouse detox and drug rehab centre in Essex, and is led by a qualified counsellor. The counsellor taking the group, will ensure that all who attend benefit from the session and leave feeling inspired and motivated in their recovery.
What’s The Process For admission for Drug Detox?
We can help with emergency or last-minute admissions, as we appreciate that many people needing help will need it during a crisis. It is important to act promptly in these situations.
We can offer planned admissions for a London and Essex drug detox clinic. Simply call our team on 0800 170 1222, and we’ll be delighted to advise you on our admissions process and offer any help and guidance you need.
No one need die from drug addiction; we have the drug treatment, facilities and expertise to help start a recovery journey to a drug-free life.
Why choose Step by Step?
- Fully Residential
- Around-the-clock care
- Medical detox unit
- Extended family support
- After care support service
- Nutritional food cooked by our chefs
- Outstanding quality of care
- Highly experienced team
Addiction Treatment
Where to find us
Our locations in London, by appointment only.
Inpatient rehab, also known as residential treatment, involves residing within a specialised treatment centre for the duration of the program. This type of private rehab provides round-the-clock care and support, with a focus on intensive therapy and a structured daily schedule. It also minimises the risk of relapse since residents at an inpatient facility will not have access to alcohol or drugs. A private rehab clinic is recommended for individuals with severe addiction or those who require a higher level of medical and emotional support.
Outpatient rehab, on the other hand, allows individuals to receive treatment while still living at home and maintaining their daily responsibilities. Outpatient programs typically involve scheduled therapy sessions and support groups that the individual attends on designated days and times. Unlike inpatient programmes, this type of drug or alcohol rehab is suitable for individuals with a less severe addiction or those who have completed inpatient treatment and are transitioning back into their daily lives.
Detoxification, commonly referred to as detox, is the first step in the process of recovering from substance abuse. It involves allowing the body to rid itself of drugs or alcohol while managing withdrawal symptoms that may arise. The duration of a detox procedure can vary depending on various factors, including the substance abused, the individual’s overall health, and the severity of addiction.
The length of a detox can range from a few days to a couple of weeks. In general, detox programs for alcohol addiction tend to last around 5-7 days, while detox programs for highly addictive prescription or illegal drugs such as opioids or benzodiazepines may take longer.
It’s important to note that detox is just the initial phase of the recovery process and is not sufficient on its own to achieve long-term sobriety. Following detox, individuals are strongly encouraged to continue their treatment in a rehabilitation centre that offers a comprehensive addiction rehab program that includes therapy, counselling, and other supportive services.
If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction, it can be a difficult and delicate situation to approach. Suggesting addiction rehab to them requires empathy, understanding, and patience. Here are some steps to consider when suggesting rehab to your loved one:
Educate yourself: Before approaching your loved one, make sure you have a good understanding of addiction and the treatment options available in London. Research different rehab facilities and programs to be able to provide accurate information and answer any questions they may have.
Choose the right time and place: Find a calm and private setting where you can have an open and honest conversation without distractions or interruptions. Choose a time when your loved one is sober and receptive to discussing their addiction.
Express concern and empathy: Approach the conversation with care and empathy, expressing your concern for their well-being. Let them know that you are there to support them and that rehab can offer them a path towards recovery and a healthier life.
Highlight the benefits of rehab: Explain the potential benefits of addiction rehab, such as professional guidance, a supportive community, and the opportunity to learn coping mechanisms and skills to overcome addiction. Emphasise that rehab can provide them with the tools and resources they need to overcome their addiction and lead a fulfilling and happy life.
Offer assistance: Let your loved one know that you are willing to help them find a suitable rehab facility in London and support them throughout the process. Offer to accompany them to appointments or assist with any logistical arrangements.
Listen and be patient: Allow your loved one to share their thoughts and feelings about rehab. Listen actively and without judgement, allowing them to express their concerns or reservations. Be patient with them as they may not be ready to accept help right away.
Provide resources: After the conversation, provide your loved one with information on rehab facilities in London and any other relevant resources that can assist them in making an informed decision.
Holistic therapies for addiction treatment approach the recovery process from a comprehensive and integrated perspective, considering not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional, spiritual and the individual’s mental health condition. These therapies recognize that addiction is a complex issue that affects various dimensions of one’s well-being and seek to address each of them to achieve long-term recovery.
One common holistic therapy used in addiction treatment is acupuncture. This ancient practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to restore balance and promote healing. Acupuncture has been found to help reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and promote relaxation.
Another holistic therapy is yoga, which combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote mindfulness and relieve stress. Yoga has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression, and enhance overall well-being.
Meditation and mindfulness practices are also commonly used in addiction treatment. These practices involve training the mind to focus on the present moment and observe thoughts and emotions without judgement. They can help individuals develop self-awareness, manage stress, and prevent relapse.
Other holistic therapies for addiction treatment include art therapy, equine therapy, music therapy, massage therapy, nutritional counselling, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. These therapies aim to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual’s recovery journey and provide additional tools for coping with cravings, triggers, and emotional challenges.