Verna Hawes

Verna Hawes

Recovery Worker

Qualifications and experience

I am a Recovery Worker at the Lighthouse, and have worked here for the last 3 years. With over 35 years’ experience in working in both homes and businesses, I pride myself in helping people in early recovery.

Working with addiction

I have over 40 years’ experience as a musician. As well as teaching for 5 years, I have performed as a solo artist and in groups at various establishments and settings. Music has been scientifically shown to have positive effects on those suffering with addiction and in recovery; helping mind, body and behaviour by altering one’s mood through feeling rhythms.

Working at the lighthouse

I have worked as a Recovery Worker at the Lighthouse for 2 years (and before that as house keeper). I love to help and support those coming into the Lighthouse and can facilitate their overall well-being throughout their recovery journey with emotional and practical support. As part of the team at the Lighthouse it is always amazing and inspiring to watch the transformation of our clients during their stay.

Hobbies and interests

In my spare time I enjoy playing the guitar, drawing and doing jigsaw puzzles. I also get pleasure from walking in nature, especially by the sea and the local nature reserves.