Drug Detox Essex

Expert Drug Detoxification Clinic In Essex

Drug detox is the very first stage of the recovery process and involves the body eliminating any toxins that have built up over time as a result of heavy drug use.

Before this part of your journey can begin, you must first decide where you want to detox. Unfortunately, the symptoms of drug withdrawal can develop quickly and aggressively, which is why it is recommended that detox takes place under the care of a registered facility. However, each person’s requirements will differ and there are various options available to suit different circumstances. 

At Step-by-Step recovery, we aim to make private addiction treatment more accessible to anyone seeking drug detox in Essex. We specialise in delivering bespoke recovery programmes that address each client’s medical, psychological and holistic needs. Our fully residential clinic provides every client with a safe and comfortable environment during their treatment, which includes a supervised medical drug detox. Our staff can also facilitate immediate admissions for those at a critical stage in their addiction. 

Types of drugs Detox in Essex

Before you begin your recovery journey, you will need to decide whether to opt for inpatient or outpatient treatment. Your decision is ultimately determined by your circumstances and what suits you best. 

While both inpatient and outpatient detox programmes are considered effective forms of treatment, inpatient detox is recommended to ensure your safety, in addition to eliminating any access to drugs or other substances which could lead to relapse. 

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0800 170 1222

What is inpatient detox?

Inpatient detox refers to any programme that facilitates a residential stay for the duration of your treatment. Choosing an inpatient detox means you will receive around the clock care, with staff on hand to offer support during the withdrawal phase.  

Many people opt for inpatient treatment because they are removed from any external triggers, and most importantly, drugs. During the withdrawal stage, there is a far higher risk of relapse, with people turning to drugs in order to relieve them of their symptoms. For this reason, inpatient care remains the safest form of drug detox.  

What is an outpatient detox?

While most rehabs offer inpatient care, some clinics include outpatient programmes for people who cannot commit to treatment due to cost, work or childcare obligations. An outpatient detox refers to any detox programme that does not include a residential stay. During outpatient addiction treatment, you will be allocated certain times and days to collect your detox medication and take part in therapy sessions. These programmes are designed to work around day-to-day commitments; however, the treatment process may take longer because of this. 

In addition to rehab facilities, outpatient detox services are also provided by many local councils and charities. However, please keep in mind that such services are drastically underfunded, so while they can offer a medicated detox, the level of care you receive is very different. 

Although outpatient rehab is still considered effective treatment, your decision should be based on the severity of your addiction and any complex additional needs you might have. To reduce the risk of relapse during a detox, inpatient rehab is recommended as the safest option. 

How do I find a drug detox in Essex?

Once you’ve sought advice and decided which form of treatment best suits your circumstances, you will need to think about your preferred location. 

When going through detox and therapy, many people prefer to attend a facility away from their familiar surroundings and there are a few benefits for doing so. Travelling slightly further for rehab can positively impact your mindset by placing distance between you and your triggers

The Lighthouse clinic is situated in an ideal location for people who want to undergo detox close to London but also want a quiet and more relaxing setting. 

Free drug detox in Essex

Funding for free inpatient detox in Essex is exceptionally hard to secure, but there is a possibility of referral through the NHS, however, the waiting lists for these treatments are incredibly long. Drug addiction is a serious disease and delaying treatment could result in devastating consequences. 

Although free residential detox services are not available in Essex and its surrounding areas, various outpatient services provide detox medications for people wishing to get clean. It is important to note that these services are underfunded which means you will not receive the same level of care as an inpatient facility. 

If you require an urgent detox in Essex, the only way to do so is by funding the treatment yourself. By doing so, you get to select the rehab you attend, and there are no waiting times for admission. 

At Step-by-Step Recovery, we understand that many individuals are not in a position to finance a residential drug detox. To ensure our treatment is as accessible as possible, we offer payment plans which allow you to pay for your addiction rehab in instalments.  

What to expect at our SBS drug detox treatment

When you arrive at The Lighthouse, you will be greeted by our friendly staff who will help you settle in and show you around. The detox process typically follows three stages: 

Drug detox is the first stage of the recovery process and a crucial step towards long-term sobriety. 

Assessment: On arrival, and once you’ve settled in, you will meet with the doctor for a medical assessment. This allows us to ensure that you are prescribed the appropriate medication and gain a clearer understanding of your drug history and whether you have any additional treatment needs.

Medication: To help clients cope with withdrawal, they will be given appropriately controlled medication as part of the detox process. No medication prevents all withdrawal symptoms, but some types of medication can help to ease anxiety and depression, enable sufficient sleep, and counteract as many other problems as possible

Withdrawal: While many people find the withdrawal process unpleasant, we do our best to ensure your comfort and safety during this time. During drug detox, you may experience some of the following physical and psychological symptoms: 

  • Shaking and shivering
  • Sweating
  • Nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting
  • Runny nose
  • High temperature and/or chills
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Exhaustion
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Drug cravings
  • Achy muscles and bones

Our brand promise

At Step-by-Step Recovery, we don’t want detoxing from alcohol dependence to be agonising or frightening. Our medical team at The Lighthouse clinic are experts in treating alcohol addiction and facilitate a full medical detox as well as providing a bespoke rehabilitation programme for each client. Our doctors are on hand to increase medication where necessary, meaning you will never be left to deal with the discomfort alone.

Therapy: Once you have begun your detox and are considered fit to participate, you will be able to take part in a range of traditional and holistic therapies that we offer.  These are designed to treat the psychological aspects of addiction, while detox focuses on getting you physically well again. 

Around the clock care: The detox process is an intense part of the recovery journey and can lead to a range of psychological challenges in addition to physical symptoms.

At The Lighthouse, our priority is your safety and comfort during your detox. You can rest assured knowing that staff are on site 24/7 to support you when needed. 

How much does drug detox cost in Essex?

The cost of drug detox in Essex will vary based on factors such as location and length of treatment and whether your programme also includes psychological therapy. 

For more information on how much a drug detox in Essex will cost, please contact our admissions team for a bespoke treatment quote.

Our brand promise

At Step by Step Recovery, we take a completely holistic approach when it comes to alcohol detox treatment. This means we treat each client as a whole, helping to heal the mind as well as the body. Once you have successfully completed your detox, we work with you to create a bespoke treatment programme which relates to your circumstances and experiences. We never make our clients participate in programmes that are not relevant to their recoveries. Our treatment programs are not written up in advance because we feel it is important to explore certain things that may have come up during that week. This ensures that clients are dealing with issues specific to them.

Why choose Step-By-Step Recovery?

At Step-By-Step Recovery, we know that drug withdrawal can be a frightening prospect, which is why we work hard to ensure that our clients are safe, comfortable and well cared for during this part of the process. 

Our treatment programme is based on the principle that every client is unique, which is why our treatment plans are completely individualised. Our team of addiction counsellors assess each client and create a bespoke recovery plan based on their individual needs. By receiving treatment relevant to their circumstances, clients have a higher chance of maintaining sobriety once they leave. 

The Lighthouse is our fully residential and CQC registered clinic, staffed by qualified addiction specialists who offer evidence-based treatment methods proven to help overcome drug addiction.  

Our detox clinics in the UK offer bespoke treatment programmes. When it comes to treating addiction successfully, everyone is unique and has different medical and psychological needs. We, therefore, tailor our programmes to the individual. In some cases, detoxing from certain substances requires medication-assisted therapy to help ease the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

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0800 170 1222


Withdrawal doesn’t follow a rigid timeline, instead, it depends on how severe addiction is, and which substances are involved. For example, cocaine withdrawal symptoms are generally mild and will usually calm down after 2-3 days. However, opioid withdrawal symptoms can take weeks to subside. While some symptoms may still be present for a few weeks, a detox is technically complete once there are no more drugs in your system.

In addition to receiving around the clock care and monitoring at an inpatient detox clinic, you also have access to immediate medical attention should you need it. As well as the support during detox, an inpatient facility also provides psychological therapy for the treatment of addiction.

You can detox without medication; however, you may experience extremely unpleasant symptoms depending on which drug you’re allergic to. Many people who begin an unsupervised detox end up relapsing because of their inability to cope with the symptoms and desperation to relieve them. 

If you have chosen an inpatient facility for your drug detox, you will be offered a range of traditional therapies designed to help treat the psychological aspects of addiction. These may differ depending on the clinic, however, some of the most common drug addiction therapies include CBT, DBT, one-to-one and group therapy. 

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Page revised in March 2023, by Danielle Byatt, a Level 4 addictions counselling, Level 5 in Leadership & Management, BA applied social work. and Treatment Director at Step by Step Recovery.

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