Alcohol Rehab in Essex

Professional Residential Alcohol Treatment in Essex

At our Lighthouse Clinic in Essex, we provide the very best alcohol treatment in the UK. The centre provides fully residential private rehabilitation treatment, offering cutting-edge medical care and psychological therapies in the Southend-on-Sea facility. 

Our facility is led by our team of addiction specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in understanding and treating substance addiction. We provide a comprehensive detox and rehabilitation programme for anyone wishing to begin their journey to recovery. In addition to our exceptional treatment plans, we also offer free lifetime addiction aftercare to all clients who complete their recovery programmes.

Our Alcohol Addiction Treatment

At Step by Step Recovery, we offer clients exceptional quality of care when it comes to addiction recovery. In addition to our detox, therapy and aftercare programmes, our team of addiction counsellors create individual treatment plans for every client. This means you won’t repeat therapies and will instead focus on effective therapies relevant to your recovery. Our clients come from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life, and we know that individual experiences with addiction differ. The Lighthouse Clinic caters for 11 clients at any one time; this way, we can ensure that each of our clients receives the high level of care and support they deserve.

How Does Alcohol Rehab Work?

Once you have reached out to a member of our admissions team, your recovery from addiction can begin. You will be taken through a completely confidential pre-admission assessment by phone to determine what kind of treatment you require and whether you have any additional needs or health problems that we should be aware of.

Alcohol rehab treatment is far more complex than just quitting drinking. Multiple physical and mental health issues need to be addressed during treatment. All factors need to be treated effectively to increase the likelihood of maintaining long-term sobriety.

On arrival at our private rehab centre in Essex, you will be greeted by our friendly staff and helped to settle in. We know that you will be experiencing a range of emotions during this stage and we will do our best to help you feel comfortable. Our staff will arrange for you to meet with the doctor for your medical assessment. Here you will have the chance to discuss your addiction to alcohol and any other co-occurring disorders in more detail and in a supportive environment.

Following this initial consultation, the detox process can begin. Alcohol detoxification occurs when the body begins to flush toxins from the system. As your brain tries to adjust to the absence of alcohol, you may start to experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. You will have been prescribed the necessary medication to alleviate these symptoms during your medical assessment. During this stage of recovery, you will be under close medical supervision and we will aim to ensure your safety and well-being.

While detox tackles the physical aspects of addiction, intensive therapy aims to deal with the psychological factors. These include the thought processes and emotions that can result in problematic behaviour keeping you trapped in the cycle of addiction. Evidence-based addiction therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and individual counselling are designed to:

  • Help to uncover any underlying emotional issues
  • Help you identify your triggers
  • Help to bring some awareness to how your behaviours hurt others
  • Teach you how to cope with certain situations that would usually lead to alcohol use.

The objective of rehab is not only to detox your system of alcohol but to provide you with the tools you need to return to society and live a new life free from alcohol addiction.

What Do You Get with Our Private Rehab?

At The Lighthouse Clinic, we offer medically supervised detox alongside a fully comprehensive addiction treatment programme designed to heal the mind, body and spirit. This means we tackle the root causes of behavioural addictions as well as physical ones. As our clinic is fully residential, all services are covered in the overall price so you won’t have to pay any hidden fees. Everything you need to recover is under one roof, including your accommodation, nutritious meals cooked by our in-house chefs, and your detox and recovery programme. This way, we can ensure our clients don’t need to worry about anything other than their treatment.

Alcohol Treatments We Offer

At Step by Step Recovery, we are proud to say that each of our clients receives a treatment plan specifically tailored to their needs. Our team works hard to identify and evaluate any contributing factors that may have contributed to their alcohol addiction. We work with clients to overcome these hurdles, providing the support and tools needed for a successful journey to recovery.

In addition to traditional addiction treatment methods, we offer a range of holistic therapies. Addiction is a complex disease, and we are passionate that treatment should focus on all aspects of a person, including the mind, body and spirit.

The combination of therapies that we offer are adapted specifically to meet the individual needs of our clients. Our holistic treatments include:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – This form of talking therapy helps you identify, change and develop new ways to combat destructive thoughts.
  • One-to-one counselling – Another type of talking therapy which enables you to share your feelings with a counsellor, helping you to gain a better understanding of your emotions.
  • Group therapy – Led by a therapist, this group therapy encourages you to share your experiences and give each other feedback in a supportive and safe environment.
  • Process therapy – This is developed to target various psychological problems and learn new coping skills.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation – These techniques have been proven to be highly effective in supporting individuals on their journey to recovery by promoting self-awareness, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.
  • 12-step therapy – provided in a group; this therapy is provided in a structured 12-step recovery programme, a widely recognized and highly effective approach to overcoming alcoholism. It has been successfully implemented across the world, offering individuals a structured path towards sobriety and long-term recovery.
  • SMART group access – SMART stands for Self Management and Recovery Training, given in a group led by a therapist.
  • Beach walks and mindful fitness – This allows you to take some time out from the centre and spend time in nature away from the centre, resetting the mind and body.
  • Art therapy – An activity that helps you express difficult emotions, reduce anxiety and increase feelings of general well-being.
  • Yoga – A series of yoga poses combined with breathing techniques to slow the mind and body.
  • Psychotherapy – This is a structured talking therapy. Together with your therapist, you will explore the fundamental causes of thoughts to develop your understanding and achieve change.
  • Person-centred therapy – A non-directive approach which explores your self-concept and emotions.
  • Recreation and relaxation – To support your self-motivation and make your stay a little easier.
  • Life skills – Develop practical, social and communication life skills to support your continued recovery after residential rehab.
  • Health & Nutrition – Balanced nutrition helps the body heal and makes residential rehab slightly less demanding.
  • In-house recovery stories – Our staff share personal accounts of their addiction treatment and recovery journeys.
  • Family interventions – With a therapist present to facilitate new ways of communicating and develop understanding between family members.
  • Relapse prevention – Gives you the tools and opportunity to gain skills that will help you manage high-stress and high-risk situations without substance abuse.

To help make your time with us as comfortable as possible, we also provide social activities. These activities include group walks, film nights, and family visits and contribute to the recovery process.

Types of Treatment in Essex

Your choice of treatment for alcohol addiction will ultimately depend on your personal situation. Many people avoid seeking help because they can’t afford private care or do not think they are eligible for residential rehab. NHS addiction treatment is provided in an outpatient capacity; however, it may be possible to be referred to a private residential rehab centre for treatment, which the NHS then funds. There are also various treatment methods available aimed at helping people who cannot fund private treatment or wait to access treatment through the NHS and for those who can’t commit to a residential stay.

Both private and free alcohol rehab options offer various benefits. However, there are a few significant differences between the two. One of the main differences between government-funded alcohol services and private rehab treatment is that private rehab provides residential alcohol detox and treatment.

While NHS referrals are an option for those who can’t afford to fund treatment themselves, the waiting list is extremely long, with thousands of people awaiting treatment at any one time. As we know, addiction progresses rapidly, so waiting months for a potential space could have devastating consequences.

A private rehab facility can usually facilitate immediate admission, which is necessary if you’re beginning to experience withdrawal symptoms. Another significant benefit of a residential treatment programme is a higher ratio of highly experienced addiction counsellors and therapists who create bespoke programmes based on individual needs.

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0800 170 1222

Outpatient vs Inpatient Rehab in Essex

Both free and private drug and alcohol addiction services will give you the option of choosing inpatient or outpatient treatment. Free inpatient or residential treatment has longer waiting lists than outpatient treatment and while both can be beneficial, only one will be best suited to your situation.

Outpatient rehab services provided free of charge by the NHS, local councils, and community-based organisations will provide outpatient treatment on specific days during the week. During the initial detox phase, that schedule will likely be every day. During your visits, you will be given the necessary medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms while also allowing your GP or registered nurse to track your progress. Once the detox period is over, you will be able to participate in additional free addiction treatment services, such as regular meetings with support groups and relapse prevention workshops.

Inpatient treatment beyond a 7-to-10-day detox programme is only offered by private rehab clinics. Inpatient treatment is fully residential, meaning all of your needs are catered for during your stay. At a residential drug and alcohol clinic, you will undergo a medically assisted detox and withdrawal symptoms will be managed with prescription medication to reduce their intensity. Once you have completed your medical detox and feel well enough, you will be provided with an intensive therapy programme.

Free Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Essex

While there are no residential addiction clinics in Essex that provide treatment for free, it is possible to be referred for residential rehab through the NHS. This means your costs are paid for. However, there is a very long wait time for NHS-funded admission. If you need help, you can also contact services provided by Essex councils. These services involve:

  • Group work
  • One-to-one key working
  • Recovery process planning
  • Counselling
  • Family support
  • Parenting support
  • Alcohol detoxification
  • Access to residential rehabilitation placements
  • BBV (Blood Borne Virus) testing and vaccination
  • Peer-to-peer support
  • Support to access education, training and employment programmes.

How Much Does Alcohol Rehab Cost?

You may think you won’t be able to afford private therapy. However, while rehab comes at a cost, you must consider the further impact that addiction will have on your life. If you don’t get help now and continue to abuse alcohol, you risk further damage to your health, relationships and finances.

The cost of rehab in Essex will vary depending on several factors. The length of your programme will be based on the severity of your addiction, and the longer you stay, the more your treatment will cost.

For a quote based on your individual needs, please contact our admissions staff and they will provide you with a bespoke treatment cost.

Addiction Charities in Essex

Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship that encourages its members to stay sober and help others seek alcohol treatment. Groups are free to attend, and there are hundreds in and around London.

Smart Recovery UK – SMART Recovery is a charity that promotes choice in recovery through a network of mutual-aid meetings and online training programmes with comprehensive teaching materials and manuals. The programme teaches self-empowering skills to help people abstain from addictive behaviour and develop a lifestyle that supports sustained recovery.

At Step by Step Recovery, we offer free advice on treating addiction. We exist to provide professional treatment and non-judgemental support to help individuals beat addiction permanently and for their families and friends. Please complete our online assessment form or contact us on 0800 170 1222 for free, confidential advice about addiction treatment in Essex or at our residential rehab in Essex.

Our brand promise

At Step-by-Step Recovery, we are dedicated to providing the very best quality of care for each and every one of our clients and our ultimate goal is to provide you with the tools you need to maintain a clean and sober life free from alcohol addiction.

Getting to The Lighthouse Clinic

The Lighthouse clinic is conveniently situated close to London. Just over one hour away by train from Central London, with Shoeburyness train station just a short walk from our premises making it easy to get here.

1A, The Lighthouse,
Southchurch Ave,
Southend-on-Sea SS3 9BA

We also have two appointment-only consultation offices based in London:

Step-by-Step Recovery Rehab London
39 Harley Street, London

Nearest station: Oxford Street

Step-by-Step Drug & Alcohol Rehab
5-7 Cranwood St, Hoxton, London

Nearest station: Old Street

A transport service is available; please ask us if you would like to be collected and escorted to our treatment centre.


Yes, you can be referred for an addiction treatment programme through the NHS, however, the waiting period can be extremely long.

To make alcohol rehab more accessible, there are different payment options available. Depending on your provider, you can pay for alcohol rehab through private medical insurance or fund the treatment yourself. Many rehabs allow you to set up payment plans if you can’t afford to pay for treatment all at once.
By choosing private addiction treatment you will bypass long waiting lists and can even be admitted as early as the day you enquire. Most private care facilities follow an inpatient treatment model, which means all your treatment needs are provided under one roof. This includes detox, medication, therapies as well as healthy meals cooked in-house.
The length of alcohol rehab treatment in Essex will ultimately depend on the severity of your alcohol addiction and how long your detox and therapy programme will be, based on this. A typical residential rehab stay could last anywhere between four to 12 weeks.
Most rehabs have family visiting days which allow you to visit your loved ones during their stay. Each facility will have its own set of rules surrounding visiting days so it’s best to contact the clinic directly to find out what these are.

The thought of leaving rehab after weeks of day and night care and support can feel unnerving. With Step by Step Recovery, you are not left alone at such a crucial point in your recovery journey. Anyone who completes a minimum four-week treatment programme with us automatically qualifies for lifetime aftercare support. We provide therapy sessions focused on relapse prevention and are available to offer support and advice when you need it.

Trying to get a loved one to go for addiction treatment can be extremely overwhelming. With so many different options available, finding a suitable facility that they will consider can be challenging. The Lighthouse clinic provides affordable alcohol rehab located within close proximity to London. Our ideal location and outstanding addiction treatment make our facility popular with anyone who wants to escape the chaos of the city and heal in peaceful seaside surroundings.

To find out more about our clinic, feel free to contact our admissions team, who will answer any questions you have. We understand that this can be intimidating and you can rest assured that our staff are fully trained in understanding individual circumstances. Once our team has taken you through the initial consultation, they will help you organise every aspect of your loved one’s stay.

Start your recovery today

Where to find us

Our locations in London, by appointment only. 

professionals therapist

Page revised in March 2023, by Danielle Byatt, a Level 4 addictions counselling, Level 5 in Leadership & Management, BA applied social work. and Treatment Director at Step by Step Recovery.

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