Drug Rehabilitation

Drug Treatment Clinics in London & Essex

Comprehensive Drug Treatment Clinics

Step by Step Recovery provides on-site medical drug detox in London and Essex, and a personalised rehabilitation programme. Our high staff-to-client ratios and compassionate multidisciplinary team combine extensive clinical experience with a real understanding of addiction. 

Addiction is a complex and individual condition, which is why we offer a tailored treatment plan for each of our clients. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to recover, so we offer affordable prices without compromising on quality or care.

If you’re looking for a top-quality, medically-assisted drug detox and rehabilitation programme, look no further than our team here at Step by Step Recovery. We offer a wide range of therapies and one-to-one counselling to help you overcome your addiction and get your life back on track.

We are a private rehab clinic open 365 days a year and our philosophy is to ensure you recover from addiction for life. We provide relapse prevention and free lifetime mentoring to help make that happen. So, contact us today if you’re ready to get started on your road to recovery.

Bespoke Drug Rehab Clinics in Essex and London

Addiction is extremely complex, so our doctor-led medically-managed detox is client-focused to deliver individualised care. During outpatient or inpatient treatment in our rehabilitation centres, you will attend one-to-one and group addiction therapy and relapse-prevention therapy. We know that each person’s experience is unique, which is why we believe in the importance of adapting treatment methods to fit each individual’s needs.

Drug addictions we treat include:

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programmes

Alongside a Care Quality Commission(CQC) regulated facility, we also provide an approved medical detox and you will have a tailored therapy and treatment program, which includes:

  • One-to-one counselling and group therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Music and art therapy
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Cross addiction workshops
  • Relapse prevention workshops
  • Holistic healing therapies and activities.

At Step by Step Recovery drug rehab in Essex and in our London drug rehab centre, we are proud to offer a bespoke treatment programme. Over the years, our dedicated team has worked hard to create various therapy models to ensure that each client’s individual needs are met. We don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach to addiction treatment and take our time to carefully tailor your treatment programme to your personal addiction experience.

Who Needs Drug Rehab Treatment?

If you are addicted to any type of substance and you need help, don’t be afraid to reach out for drug rehab treatment. The staff at rehabilitation centres are experienced in helping people overcome addiction and will be able to assist you in finding the right program for your needs. Withdrawal from addictive substances can be difficult and dangerous, so it is crucial that you seek professional help.

If you have struggled with two or more of these signs and symptoms in the past 12 months, you are likely to need drug treatment for addiction:

  1. Overwhelming cravings to use drugs
  2. Unable to stop or control drug use
  3. Physical or mental withdrawal symptoms
  4. Increased tolerance and consuming more of the drug or drugs in one period to feel the effects
  5. Prioritising taking drugs over responsibilities and alternative activities 
  6. Your health is negatively affected by your drug use.

Call us now for help

0800 170 1222

What Types of Drug Rehab are Available?

Drug rehab can be provided in outpatient rehab or inpatient residential rehab. The choice is largely dependent on personal circumstances. Outpatient rehab offers more flexibility over how and when you receive treatment, making it a great option for those with busy lives. Inpatient residential rehab is a great choice for those needing more intensive therapy, as it allows for 24-hour care in specialist rehabilitation centres. 

Outpatient Rehab

If you’re struggling with addiction, don’t try to do it alone. The cold turkey method can be incredibly dangerous and may result in death in some cases. Outpatient rehabilitation centres provide essential medical support during your drug detox and give you a much higher chance of remaining addiction free.

Outpatient rehab programmes provide two options:

  1. Structured full-day drug and alcohol treatment programmes with medical support during your drug detox.
  2. Drug treatment and therapy spread out, usually over three to six months, although it can continue for longer if required. 

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient residential drug rehab provides 24-hour medical supervision and intensive therapy. Residential rehabilitation removes the temptation to use the substance and allows you to focus fully on your recovery without risking a relapse. 

You will normally attend inpatient rehabilitation centres for 28 days, although you can stay longer if you need to. During this time, you will be able to remain in contact with friends and family and have visitors.

Inpatient rehab programmes include:

  • Consultation with an addiction specialist to arrange your addiction and treatment plan.
  • A medically-assisted drug detox with medication to reduce withdrawal symptoms
  • Structured days with therapy sessions
  • All meals with dietary needs catered for
  • A comfortable bedroom
  • Free weekly aftercare support sessions for 12 months.

Our promise to you

At Step by Step Recovery, we are dedicated to providing the very best quality of care for every one of our clients. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with the tools you need to maintain a clean and sober life free from drug addiction.

What Makes The Lighthouse Rehab Clinic Different?

Our 11-bedroom rehab centre provides a safe, supportive environment in a calming setting. Combining a holistic and person-centred rehabilitation approach — which includes both traditional and alternative addiction treatment methods — our mission is to help clients heal and discover the best version of themselves.

We know that no single treatment approach can be effective for everyone, which is why our dedicated team of therapists adjusts each person’s treatment plan according to their needs. 

To support you when you leave residential rehab, we provide our New Way To Live scheme to help you live a life free from substance use disorder. 

Our New Way To Live scheme is a free, peer-mentoring network. Once you join, we will connect you with a mentor who is stable in their recovery from addiction. Your mentor will support you and offer guidance about attending events and joining social groups and clubs.  

Permanent recovery is within reach; Step by Step Recovery exists to help individuals beat addiction permanently. Please complete our online assessment form or call our understanding team on 0800 170 1222 for more information about our private outpatient rehab and inpatient or residential rehab for addiction.

We are here to offer you advice on treatment options and the next steps to living a happier life free from addiction.  


Your addiction treatment will depend on what kind of and the length of treatment you need. Essentially, substance abuse and addiction treatment addresses physical dependency through detox and assisted withdrawal in our rehabilitation centres. Subsequently, the psychological aspects are treated with a range of one-to-one and group therapy, meditation, and holistic activities.

The cost of treatment can vary significantly. While NHS treatment is free, there are strict criteria before you’re considered and a lengthy wait. Privately funded treatment is often the best option if you want to start your treatment immediately. The cost will depend on the length of your stay and the type of treatment you receive. We offer various ways to pay for rehab, and our admissions counsellors are on hand to talk you through the options and help you decide what works best for you.

The length of addiction treatment for each patient is unique. Some patients may be in therapy for weeks, while others require much longer. A stay in residential rehab typically lasts anywhere between one to three months.

During our admissions process, you will have an initial phone call with one of our councillors, who will take you through your treatment options and answer any questions regarding your rehab treatment. During this consultation, we will take a deposit to secure your place in our facility. The next stage is a pre-admissions consultation with our experienced admissions team. Following your consultation, if you are deemed unfit to attend rehab for any reason, your deposit will be refunded in full.

The thought of leaving rehab might seem overwhelming, but you won’t be alone. The Lighthouse offers lifetime aftercare to give you the best chance of maintaining sobriety while also dealing with the everyday stresses of life. In addition to primary care drug rehab, we offer secondary care and third-stage supported living accommodation. We recognise that some individuals do not have a home or a safe and supportive environment to return to, so we can facilitate relocation.

Knowing where to turn when you’re struggling with an addiction can be difficult. You may be wondering, “do I need to use a drug rehab near me?” The answer depends on a few factors. If you’re able to maintain sobriety on your own, then you may not need formal rehabilitation. However, if you’re struggling to stay clean, a rehabilitation centre can provide vital structure and support. With around-the-clock care, experienced staff, and tailored treatment plans, rehab centres can give you the tools you need to overcome your addiction. If you’re unsure whether rehab is right for you, don’t hesitate to contact a professional for help.

Some insurance companies cover alcohol rehab treatment, but you need to check precisely what is covered under your policy with your insurance provider.

In addition to a medically supervised detox, The Lighthouse clinic offers several talking therapies that are proven to address the root causes underpinning addiction for a long-term cure. These include cognitive behavioural therapy, one-to-one counselling, group therapy, mindfulness and meditation, arts and crafts, yoga, psychotherapy, and many others. All dietary needs are accommodated, and our very own in-house chefs cook tasty, nutritious meals.

Drug rehab treatment provides a medically assisted detox to help you cope during the withdrawal period and a comfortable and supportive environment to focus on your recovery. Residential rehabs offer the very best in addiction treatment therapies, with experienced counsellors and medical staff on hand at all times to care for you during your recovery.

Residential (inpatient) rehab is widely viewed as the most effective form of drug treatment because you are removed from the stresses of everyday life and access to drugs, making it easier to focus completely on your recovery.

Start your recovery today

professionals therapist

Page revised in March 2023, by Danielle Byatt, a Level 4 addictions counselling, Level 5 in Leadership & Management, BA applied social work. and Treatment Director at Step by Step Recovery.

Why choose Step by Step?