Consequences of Alcohol Abuse

Consequences of Alcohol Abuse

When you start to abuse alcohol there may not seem to be many negative consequences. Initially, the main issues from drinking alcohol are hangovers and perhaps feeling slightly embarrassed about your intoxicated behaviour. But over time, drinking a couple of times a week or binge drinking can progress to drinking every, or almost every, day. Without actually realising it you may be drinking too much and at risk of becoming addicted to alcohol

The NHS advises that you should not drink over 14 units of alcohol a week and that these units should be spread over at least three days. It is also recommended not to drink alcohol for a few days a week. For help calculating how many units you are drinking, we recommend using the Alcohol Change UK’s unit calculator

Alcohol-Related Medical Conditions and Social Consequences

Drinking over the advisable weekly amount regularly is likely to lead to alcohol addiction. The outcome of this can include both devastating social consequences and potential alcohol-related medical conditions.

Diseases and disorders that can be a result of alcohol abuse include:

  • Cardiovascular (heart) disease
  • Liver disease
  • Pancreas disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Oral and larynx cancer
  • Oesophagus cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Colon and rectal cancer
  • Breast cancer.

Social consequences of alcohol abuse can include:

  • Aggressive behaviour or violence;
  • Impulsive and risky behaviour;
  • Isolating from friends, family, and social life in order to drink;
  • Loss of inhibitions;
  • Breakdown of relationships;
  • Unable to fulfil daily responsibilities; and
  • Problems at work. 

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Over time, alcohol abuse can significantly impact your health and well-being with far-reaching negative consequences. Consequences of alcohol abuse can rapidly spiral and leave you without a permanent residence, a job, or stable relationships. When the consequences of alcohol abuse are apparent, it is important to seek professional help. 

We offer many types of addiction rehabilitation and we can help you overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, please contact us today for expert, free confidential advice

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