How to Stop an Alcohol Addiction

How to Stop an Alcohol Adiiction

Denial about alcohol abuse can continue for weeks or months before it leads to alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction doesn’t just happen overnight and trying to give up alcohol without support is extremely difficult. Recognising that you are abusing alcohol and accepting you need help and guidance on how to stop drinking alcohol, are both critical parts of recovery. 

If you are still struggling with the prospect of not drinking, it can be helpful to make a list of the issues that drinking is causing you. This may be problems with relationships, work, or taking care of your daily activities and responsibilities. It is helpful to consider how much you are spending on alcohol, and how much time you spend intoxicated and unable to do anything. It can be challenging to think about these things alone. You can also speak to friends and family about their concerns in relation to your drinking to get a wider perspective.

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When you make the decision to stop drinking there are many ways you can help yourself. We have outlined some of the first steps for stopping an alcohol addiction below. 

Avoid or reduce temptation – Get rid of any alcohol, glasses and tumblers. Avoid going to places where there will be alcohol. 

Ask for support – Tell friends, family, and colleagues that you have stopped drinking and ask them to support you by not drinking alcohol around you.

Avoid people who don’t support you – Avoid people who ignore your requests not to drink around you or encourage you to have a drink.

Depending on how long and how much you have been drinking, it may be dangerous to try to give up on your own. Knowing how to stop drinking is not always enough and most people with an alcohol addiction benefit from a medically supervised detox and addiction treatment

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At Step by Step Recovery, we understand that alcohol abuse can spiral into addiction and we offer many types of addiction rehabilitation. We have helped thousands of people overcome alcohol addiction and achieve lasting recovery with alcohol rehabilitation

If you are struggling with addiction, we know how hard it is to take the first step on the road to recovery. Please contact us today for expert, free confidential advice

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