How Much Does Residential Rehab Cost, and Is It Worth It?

worried woman sat hugging her legs into her chest

If you are considering residential rehab in the UK for a substance abuse problem, one factor likely to play a part in your decision, is the cost of rehab and if it is worth paying for private addiction treatment. 

Addiction treatment at Step by Step Recovery clinics in London and our residential rehab centre in Essex is private. We understand that the cost can be a barrier to treatment. The cost of rehab can differ for several reasons, and it is important to determine what you need and what is not necessary. Here are the four key factors that impact the cost of rehab in the UK.

1. Outpatient vs Residential Rehab

Choosing between residential and outpatient addiction treatment is one of the key factors when it comes to the price. Outpatient addiction treatment is typically more affordable, and if you cannot commit to residential rehab, it might be the best option. However, in most cases of addiction, residential rehab is recommended, and research indicates people who attend residential rehab have lower rates of relapse.

In the long run, this can make residential rehab less costly than paying for multiple outpatient treatments, which you may require if you relapse. And beating addiction and getting your life back on track will likely put you in a better financial situation in the longer term. Not only will you save money you would have spent because of your addiction to alcohol or drugs, but being clean may increase your potential to progress in your career, and receive a higher salary. 

Another thing to consider is the risk of jail time if you are prosecuted for drugs on your person or do something illegal such as drunk driving. Jail time is the ultimate cost. In jail, you cannot work and earn money, and a criminal record can have a long-lasting impact on your entire life. If you know you are going to find it hard to stay away from alcohol or drugs and people that have a negative influence, then residential rehab is essential to breaking free from addiction. 

2. Private vs Shared Room in Residential Rehab 

Many people are uncomfortable with the prospect of sharing a room at a residential rehab. Understandably, you may be worried that you won’t get on with the person you share with or that you will struggle to share your personal space and sleep in a room with someone you don’t know. When it comes to the cost of rehab in the UK, a private room is typically going to cost more than a shared room. 

There are other advantages of a shared room in rehab. At Step by Step Recovery’s residential rehab centre in Essex, many of our clients have told us they found having a roommate made it easier to cope with anxiety and panic attacks. Additionally, sharing a room means you will have someone to talk to who understands what you are going through.

3. Location, Location, Location

Another significant factor when it comes to the cost is the location of the residential rehab centre. Charges for residential rehab in London tend to be elevated due to higher overheads. If you live in London and are looking for a more affordable option, it is worth comparing the cost of rehab in surrounding counties such as Essex, Surrey, and Kent. 

Additionally, if you live in a city with high property costs, such as Oxford or Brighton, you may find the price of residential rehab is lower if you are willing to travel. As the length of residential rehab is typically a minimum of 30 days, it might be worth a journey to get there, if the cost is an obstacle in the city where you live. 

4. Staff-To-Client Ratio

This is the most important factor when comparing the cost of rehab centres. Don’t be afraid to ask what the staff-to-client ratio is for:

  • GPs
  • Nurses
  • Psychiatrists
  • Counsellors
  • Recovery Support.

You can also ask how often you can access the above staff and how large the group sessions are. A lower staff-to-client ratio will reduce the overhead costs and the cost of rehab, but it is the last factor you should consider. Personal attention from staff and one-to-one counselling is a critical part of residential rehab. Paying more for a higher staff-to-client ratio, especially for counsellors and recovery support staff who will be there daily, is always worth it.

Is the Cost of Rehab in the UK Worth It?

Private residential rehab is the fastest way to get addiction treatment in a safe environment where you will not be triggered by your everyday life and the company you keep. Few people can afford to pay outright for rehab and need to ask family and friends for financial support. You may feel scared to do this, especially if your relationships have broken down. But in this circumstance, it could be a relief for loved ones who wanted to help and just didn’t know how.

Another option is to pay for residential rehab with a loan or credit card. Most things in life you want can wait until you have the money, but the cost of rehab isn’t one of them. Whoever you are, whatever your addiction, please trust us when we tell you your life is worth the price of rehab and you can break free from addiction. 


At Step by Step Recovery, we offer free guidance on supporting and treating addiction. We can provide affordable addiction treatment in London and at our residential rehab at our Essex facility. Please complete our online assessment form or call our free phone number on 0800 170 1222 for free, confidential advice.

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