addiction types

Addiction Types

Addiction is a serious issue that many people face every day. There are different types of addiction, and they can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or background. It’s important to be aware of the different kinds of addiction and how to identify them so that you can get help if you or someone you love is affected. Various types of addiction can develop from behaviours such as gambling, shopping, overeating, or chemsex. Several signs may indicate that you are developing an addiction, such as increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and unsuccessful attempts to cut back or stop. 

Although there are many different behaviours and substances that can lead to addiction, addiction is categorised into two types:

Chemical Addiction is commonly thought of as a physical addiction, experts refer to a chemical addiction as substance use disorder (SUD). This term recommended by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) encompasses both symptoms of substance abuse and dependence, for diagnosis purposes. 

Behavioral Addiction is also referred to as psychological addiction as it involves a compulsive need to engage in a behaviour. Experts still debate how to diagnose behavioral addictions, however, the DSM-5 identifies two types of behaviours that can be addictive and diagnostic criteria for:

  1. Gambling addiction
  2. Internet gaming disorder

Other types of behavioural addictions that are commonly recognized by addiction treatment experts:

  • Porn addiction
  • Tech and smart phone addiction
  • Sex addiction

It’s possible to become addicted to many things. Some of the most common addictions in the UK include the following:

  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Shopping
  • Sex/Pornography
  • Technology (smartphones/gaming/internet)
  • Gambling
  • Food
  • Work
  • Smoking

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Signs of various types of addiction can vary. For example, someone addicted to alcohol may drink excessively, suffer from blackouts, or experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to cut back or stop drinking. Someone addicted to drugs may use more and more of the drug over time, suffer cravings and mood swings, and engage in risky behaviours. And someone addicted to gambling may bet more money than they can afford to lose, lie about it and neglect their work or family responsibilities.

Common signs that can indicate whether you have a problem include feeling out of control, continuing to use despite negative consequences, and needing more and more of the substance or activity to get the desired effect.

If you or someone you know is displaying these signs, you should seek help from a professional. Addiction is a serious problem, but it is also treatable. With the right support, recovery is possible. If you suspect that you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, getting help as soon as possible is crucial.  

Get free confidential advice today. Our expert help and advice team is available 24/7. Contact us now to learn more about overcoming addiction in the strictest confidence.

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